We took a self-guided day trip to the town of Kuranda, located about 45 minutes outside of Cairns. It is situated in the rainforest and is best described as a laid back hippie town. The town is filled with small markets that close promptly at 3 PM. There are plenty of hemp stores, tie dye clothing, and people with colorful dreadlocks around every corner. While we were there, we went to one of Lonely Planet's top rated restaurants for lunch, Petit Cafe. Jon had the lovely idea to order a crepe with kangaroo prosciutto. I must admit that ever since we landed in Australia I have had a frank disgust for red meat and pork but for some reason I thought that having kangaroo prosciutto would make me more of a "serious foodie traveler". I saw what the crepe looked like on another table and I thought that it was asthetically pleasing and possibly tasted "good". So therefore we ordered it...

Let me make this clear, I like kangaroo (the animal). We have seen quite a few since being in Australia and I love them. These big furry beings hop around on the side of the highway regularly. Honestly, when we decided to order the crepe with kangaroo prosciutto on it, I had no idea what I was thinking. So like any adventurous traveler I took a bite. First, I looked at it and all I could think of was the love I had for these marsupials. I still wanted to be like the revered Andrew Zimmern and so I took another bite...biggest regret ever! I hated it! It was horrible. We had to order something else for me!
Kuranda is a quaint town and a nice daytrip from Cairns. We learned more about the didgeridoo then we ever knew before. We even got to practice playing one.
It was an educational day trip and all I know is: at least I tried kangaroo while in Australia!

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